Hasierako posizioa
Zortzikoko sentziloa
Sentzilo 40 muriska
Sentzilo kontradantzakoa
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  Lehen aldaira
  Bigarren aldaira
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  Seigarren aldaira

Starting from the initial position, the dancer lifts his knee until his thigh is parallel to the floor. With his knee bent and the tip of his foot pointing towards the ground, he draws circles with his foot from the outside inwards. The dantzari has to make as large as circles as possible as fast as he can without toppling over. The foot that he uses the circles has to go as close as possible to the leg on which the dancer is standing while brushing his trousers at the height of the knee.

The whirligigs are performed either with the right or left foot.

The whirligigs that are shown in the video are designed to exercises to learn to perform them quickly.