Hasierako posizioa
  Oin-punta gailur
  Oin-punta orpokoak
  Oin-punta irradakan
  Txingo luze paseoa
  Zango ostikoa
  Jira galdua
  Trantsiozko urratsak
  Lehen aldaira
  Bigarren aldaira
  Hirugarren aldaira
  Laugarren aldaira
  Bostgarren aldaira
  Seigarren aldaira

 The renewed lauarin is a step that Iztueta described in his  book but which has not survived to the present. This step, as it is described by Iztueta, is an exception with respect to all the other steps, given that it is performed in the reverse way to all the others: the renewed lauarin is performed to the left, while the standard one whose steps have either been passed down by word of mouth or which Iztueta describes are performed to the right.

The step is started by a muxeta with the right foot. The outer  maelolous of the left foot then touches the right shinbone and the left foot is then placed on the floor a foot span from the right foot. Before the left foot is placed on the floor, the right foot is lifted up and the dancer’s heel touches the tip of the left foot while his body turns to the left.  What we have just described is the left turn.

To finish the step, another turn has to be performed to the right and the initial muxeta danced with the left foot.

The renewed lauarin or doubled four whiskers are performed as follows:

Lifting only the right foot with the tip pointed straight down to the floor, the dancer moves it forward and hits the outer maleolous of the right ankle against the mid shinbone of the left foot, and it is placed on the floor in such a way that both heels are touching. Then the left foot is lifted and  moving it outwards,  the outer maleolous of the left ankle is hit against the mid shinbone of the right foot, the dantzari then places it on the floor half a span from the right foot, with the tip behind and the heel facing forwards. As soon as the heel is on the floor, the right floor is lifted up and is placed against the same heel touching the left big toe, while the body is facing towards the left-hand side.

This is a renewed lauarin or a doubled cuatropelo. In order to perform the other, [the dantzari] has to only lift up his left foot and keep his foot straight and pointing towards the floor, move it forward, hit the right mid shinbone with the outer maleolous of the left ankle and place it on the floor in the same way that the two heels touch. Then the right foot is lifted and moving it outwards, the outer maleolous of the right ankle is hit against the mid shinbone of the left foot, the dantzari then places it on the floor half a span from the left foot, with the tip behind and the heel facing forwards. As soon as the heel is on the floor, the left foot is lifted up and is placed against the same heel touching the right big toe, while the body is facing towards the right-hand side. This is the second lauarin.”