Makila txikiena
Makila handiena
Uztai txikiena
Uztai handiena
Doinu zaharrak
Punta motz
Ehun eta bikoa

The “dantzaris” arrange themselves in two lines behind their leader. They begin by dancing the “Deia” (the call) and the move called “txingo luzeko paseoa” ( a long “txingo” step). The leader and the left hand line carry out the the first “Txingo” move by moving to the right. The right hand line do the same but move to the left.

The leader dances this move by returning between the two lines. The dancers of the first line cross in front and return on the outside of the group. The dancers in the second line move towards the first line and cross it and then follow the moves of the first line. All the dancers complete the same moves until the whole group is facing backwards. Once in this position they dance the “Deia” (the call) and repeat all the movements again but this time from back to front until all the group has returned to its original position.
See video (girls)
  See video (boys)

See Deia (The call)
See Txingo luzeko paseoa (Long Txingo step)


Bullet1 The dancers move while they carry out the “paseo de txingo largo”. When the “dantzaris” cross, when going backwards and forwards they should carry out  the “ paseo de Txingo largo” two times in the same direction. In this way they arrive on the outside of the group and continue dancing looking the other way. Each “dantzari” crosses  the rest of the dancers to his right.



Bullet1 If the “dantzaris”are male they do not use any implements (except for the baton that the leader carries). The women on the other hand normally dance with a white handkerchief in each hand. When they carry out the “ paseo de txingo” as they lift their leg up they raise the hand with the handkerchief to the side of the upraised leg moving it from back to front and then later from front to back while shaking it.