Hasierako posizioa
  Oin-punta gailur
  Oin-punta orpokoak
  Oin-punta irradakan
Aurrerako zorrotza
Atzerako muriska
Eskuineko muriska
Ezkerreko muriska
Muriska txingokoak
  Txingo luze paseoa
  Zango ostikoa
  Jira galdua
  Trantsiozko urratsak
  Lehen aldaira
  Bigarren aldaira
  Hirugarren aldaira
  Laugarren aldaira
  Bostgarren aldaira
  Seigarren aldaira

Thank to the txingo, the dantzari is able to left his leg higher and more energetically.  Performing a long txingo to the right with the right foot and twisting his body to one side, the dancer lifts his left leg as high as possible.  When he lowers his left leg, the dancer taps the tip of his right foot with his left heel. He has to lift his left with great momentum and lower it with the same energy, and  the foot's downward movement to the floor is helped with a small txingo of the foot on the ground.

After the left foot has touched the tip of the right foot, the dancer moves his left leg forward one step. Then, the right foot continues the movement performed by the left foot and after it is completed against the left heel, the right foot is moved as far backwards as the left one was moved forwards.

The dantzari begins to bring the left foot backwards and to turn his body towards the left.  With his left foot, he performs the txingo to the left and repeats the whole sequence to the left side while lifting the right leg.