Makila txikiena
Makila handiena
Uztai txikiena
Uztai handiena
Doinu zaharrak
Punta motz
Ehun eta bikoa

         explanation of the dance

The dantzaris stand in two lines headed by their leader. When the music starts, the leader dances the zortziko and adds combinations of steps that show off his skills. All the dantzaris then dance the main call and then the zortziko. After the main call, the group perform the set. The whole group first of all dances the set. After the call has been performed, the central quarter dance the set and then the whole group repeats the last set.
  1. Leader’s zortziko
  2. Main call on the spot
  3. Zortziko
  4. Main call danced
  5. The whole group dances the set
  6. Main call on the spot
  7. The central quartet dances the set
  8. The whole group dances the set


Jokoaren esaldi bakoitzaren hasieran dantzariek jauzi txiki bat egin eta ezkerreko oina aurrera aterako dute. Ondoko lerroko lagunarekin hasita egingo duen jokoan tokitik mugitu gabe egongo da. Jokoaren bigarren zatian, bere lerro bereko dantzariarekin hasten duen horretan, lau urrats eman beharko ditu doinuaren erritmoan. Eskuinarekin hasita lau urrats horietan egin behar du toki-aldaketa eta laugarren urratsarekin harrapatu beharreko posizio berrian bukatuko du ezkerreko oina aurreratuta duela.

         Position changes

The dantzaris dance the step known as the zortzikoko sentziloa (single zortziko) in order to perform the zortziko. When the dantzaris dance this step, they change positions as required but they also remain in their same line. While they dance the single zortziko, the dantzaris change their positions by moving forwards and backwards up their own row.

During the set danced by the whole group, the position changes are identical to those performed in the brokel-makilena (Buckler and Stick Dance) and in the makila handiena (Dance of the Long Sticks). During the quartet set, the position changes are performed anti-clockwise. The dantzaris change positions while dancing four steps both in the group and quartet sets. Each step starts with the right foot and their left foot should be pointing forwards to complete the change of position.


The dantzaris perform the two main movements with small arches: a movement to strike and a movement to receive the blow. When striking, the dantzari raises the small arch and uses its upper end to hit the arch of the dantzari standing opposite him. On the other hand, he has to hold the arch in either of the two following manners to receive the blow: for the first and last blow of each phasethe dancer stretches the arch outwards at waist height , so that it is hit by the opposite dantzari. For the rest of the blows, he lifts the arch over his head and holds it at shoulder height. The arch should be completely stretched out and tilting it first to the left and then to the right so that the side can be hit by the opposite dantzari.

The basic set of the small arches comprises four blows. This set of four blows is repeated in each position, beginning first with the dantzari from the opposite line and then beginning with the dantzari located in the same line. The first set of four blows is performed without the dantzari needing to change position and the second set while the dantzari changes position, with one blow being struck for each step.

The dantzaris have traditionally been divided between jotzaileak (strikers) and hartzaileak (receivers). This distinction is based on the first blow, in other words, according to whether the dantzari strikes or receives the first blow. The first blow is struck by the dantzari located at the front right end of the group and is followed by the dantzaris located in a zigzag with respect to the first dancer. Therefore, according to the numbering used in the diagrams, the “strikers” will be the following: 2, 3, 6, 7, 10 and 11. The other dantzaris will be on the receiving end of the blow. The second blow is performed in the opposite way: this time the receivers - dantzaris no. 1, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 12 - use their arch to hit the arch of the opposite dantzari.

Blow Who
To whom
Blow Feet
1 Striker Receiver Between lines
Left in front with no position change
2 Receiver Striker In the lines
Left in front with no position change
3 Striker Receiver Between lines Left in front with no position change
4 Receiver Striker In the lines Left in front with no position change

1 Striker Receiver In the lines Step with the right
2 Receiver Striker Between lines Step with the left
3 Striker Receiver In the lines Step with the right
4 Receiver Striker Between lines Step with the left

See uztai txikiena (Dance of the Small Arches) set on the video