Makila txikiena
Makila handiena
Uztai txikiena
Uztai handiena
Doinu zaharrak
Punta motz
Ehun eta bikoa

         explanation of the dance
Bullet1 The dantzaris stand in two rows, with the leader at the front and the wineskin holder on both sides outside the group. When the music begins, the leader dances the zortziko, performing different combinations of steps and showing off his skill. During the last part of the zortziko, he performs the long txingo promenade. The dantzaris then dance the main call and start to perform the zortziko, which they end with the long txingo promenade.

Bullet1 With the call that marks the end of the zortziko, the wineskin porters move in between the dantzaris, who begin to mimic working the earth with their hoes and moving forward and backwards to the beat of the music. The following words are customarily sung in some places at this point: “Ai zahagia, zahagia, zahagia! Ai, zahagia puztuta!” (“Oh, wineskin, wineskin, wineskin! Oh, the wineskin that is swollen!”) Instead of “puztuta" (“swollen”), "hustuta" (vaciado) is used elsewhere and thus stresses the festive epilogue meaning that Iztueta assigned to this dance.

Bullet1 Once the part of the dance is completed where the dantzaris mimic the hoers' gestures, the dantzaris bang together the hoe handles and then beat the wineskins.  They then mimic the hoeing movements again and repeat the set of blows. With the last blow, the wineskin porters fall to the ground.
  1. Leader’s zortziko
  2. Main call on the spot
  3. Zortziko, performing the long txingo promenade
  4. Main call danced
  5. Hoeing set forwards and backwards
  6. Hoes banged together and wineskins beaten
  7. Hoeing set forwards and backwards
  8. Hoes banged together and wineskins beaten
Bullet1 Iztueta pointed out that the jorrai-dantza are performed looking to both sides, forwards and backwards, in exactly the same way as the zinta-dantza of the brokel-dantza cycle has traditionally been performed.
See the video of Jorrai-dantza



Bullet1 The dantzaris hold the hoes by the part nearest to its blade and hit their handles against the other dancers’ ones. Bearing in mind that the dantzaris are arranged in groups of four, the set will begin with the dantzaris in an adjacent line and four blows will be given beginning from right to left and continuing in the opposite direction. They then exchange a further three blow with the dantzaris from the same row. When it is time to give the fourth blow, all the dantzaris will use the handle of their hoes to hit the wineskin located in the middle of each group of four dantzaris. This set will be repeated twice before the dantzaris again pretend to be hoeing again.