The Abaltzisketa
txantxos are danced at carnival. The group comprises eight dantzaris, who are accompanied by the
zesterua and the
soinujolea. On Carnival Sunday, they go from farmstead to farmstead asking for tips. The dantzaris use two small sticks and they dance the
makila-dantza. They bang their
makilas together to the rhythm of the
biribilketa as they go along the route.

mozorro carries a brush in his hand, which he uses to clean the halls or porches of the farmsteads so that the dantzaris can dance the
makila-dantza. The
zesterua is in charge of collecting the gifts of food and drink from the baserritarras.

dantza-soka or
soka-dantza is danced in Abaltzisketa on June 23rd, St. John’s Eve, at around 21.30 hours. The mayor leads the dance around the bonfire that is lit in the town square. The
aurrendari and the
azkendari lead the dance and young and old alike take part.