
         Loinatz-eko ezpata-dantzA

Bullet1 On the Monday after Ascension Day, a high mass is said in the Church of San Martin de Loinaz de Beasain, followed by a procession and ezpata-dantza.  This ezpata-dantza is danced by around a dozen young men, who each carry two small swords and whose performance is directed by a leader carrying a baton of authority situated at the head of the group.

Bullet1 The dantzaris come out of the town call, accompanied by the town councillors, and dance the ezpata-dantza opposite the porch of Beasain Parish Church.  The procession then marches to the Church of San Martin de Loinaz and once there, they dance the ezpata-dantza before and after the mass. Finally, the procession returns to  Beasain Parish Church, they dance the ezpata-dantza for the last time and the image of the saint is then taken back inside.


Bullet1 On the day of the Loinaz festivity, the dantza-soka is danced in the afternoon. The town councillors perform the dance and the dantzaris of the Aurtzaka dance group act as aurresku and atzesku.

Bullet1 On the day after the ezpata-dantza, Tuesday, the dantzaris who danced the ezpata-dantza take part in the children's dantza-soka. All the children are called to the dance and the ones that come forwards are organised into a dance procession. In the afternoon, the adults’  dantza-soka is danced in the afternoon. It is an improvised and spontaneous dantza-soka where the dancers wear their everyday garments.

Calendario de fiestas y danzas tradicionales en el PaĆ­s Vasco
FERNANDEZ DE LARRINOA, Kepa Eusko Jaurlaritza, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2003

Dantzak Beasainen: Aurtzakak 25 urte
AURTZAKA DANTZA TALDEA Beasaingo Udala, Beasain, 2004