

Bullet1 This tradition that combines and dancing is revived in Andoain at midday on St. John’s Day. The celebration is made up of various parts which include dances and games: paseoa (the promenade), aitarena (the father’s), axeri-dantza (the fox dance), orratzarena (danza de la aguja) , illetiana (danza del tizón), perra jartzea (la herrada) y dorrea (la torre). A soka-dantza is usually danced at the end. The games are often very violent. There is no set number of dantzaris. The axeri-dantza danced in Andoain was learnt from the Aduna dance masters, which explains the great similarity between both dances.


Bullet1 The soka-dantza is danced in Andoain on St. John’s Eve, June 23rd. At 8 o'clock in the evening, the line of dancers forms in the Goikoplaza and the mayor leads the line made up of members of the town council into the square. The soka-dantza is also danced on St. John’s Day after the axeri-dantza.

DONOSTIA, Jose Antonio de in Dantzariak, 5, EDB, San Sebastian, 1974

Adunako Azeri-dantza eta oilasko-jokua
DUEÑAS, Emilio Xabier in Dantzariak, 29, EDB, Bilbo, 1985

Calendario de fiestas y danzas tradicionales en el País Vasco
FERNANDEZ DE LARRINOA, Kepa Eusko Jaurlaritza, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2003