
         Agintarien soka-dantza (soka-dantza of the dignitaries)

Bullet1 On July 26th, Santa Ana’s feast day, the dignitaries’ soka-dantza is danced the soka-dantza in Ordizia. The town councillors form the dance procession and the soka-dantza is danced in the town square after 11.00 mass.


         Santa ANA esku-dantza

Bullet1 On July 27th, the day following Santa Ana's day, the ezku-dantza or Santa Ana aurresku is performed in Ordizia. The performance takes place after the 11.00 high mass in the town square at 12.00. This soka-dantza is danced by the couples who have married during that year. First of all, the mayor leads the dance procession to the square and then the aurreskulari takes over and leads the dance. The first dance procession is made up by the men and the women join in as the soka-dantza processes. Special mention should be made of the splendid Manila embroidered silk shawl worn by the women.


Calendario de fiestas y danzas tradicionales en el PaĆ­s Vasco
FERNANDEZ DE LARRINOA, Kepa Eusko Jaurlaritza, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2003