

Bullet1 After having been ignored for many years, the  Aduna azeri-dantza was rescued from oblivion on August 15th 1983, the festivity of Our Lady, even though it has recently usually been danced during the festivities of San Juan.  There is no set number of dantzaris and attention focuses on the leader during the dance, as he hits the dantzaris that make any mistakes with a belt with a knot at one end. The group stands in two lines, with the leader at the head.

Adunako Azeri-Dantza eta Oilasko-Jokua
DUEÑAS PEREZ, Emilio Xabier
MENDI-ALDE, Euskal Dantza Taldea
Dantzariak, 29, EDB, Bilbo, 1985, 25-46. orr.