It is a carnival dance that is very similar to the Oria sorgin-dantza. The Aretxabaleta recruits, with blackened faces and wearing very baggy shirts, usually dance it on Carnival Sunday. Young men of around 18 years old dance it in the town's streets at midday on Carnival Sunday. There is no set number of dantzaris: there are usually between twelve and twenty, but the number is always even, as it is a danza that is danced in pairs. The aurresku de quintos (Recruit’s Aurresku) is danced in Aretxabaleta every Sunday between Santa Agueda and Carnival Sunday. As can be seen from its name, it is danced by the recruits, i.e., the young men who are old enough to do their military service. Nowadays, military service is no longer compulsory, but "recruits" is still used to refer to young men when they are around 18 years old and they are the ones who dance the soka-dantza. After collecting food from the town’s districts and farmsteads, a dinner is held with the food and drink obtained. Calendario de fiestas y danzas tradicionales en el PaĆs Vasco | FERNANDEZ DE LARRINOA, Kepa | Eusko Jaurlaritza, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2003 | |