

Bullet1 The ezpata-dantza is danced in Legazpia on May 3rd, Santa Cruz feast day. There is documentary proof that this dance dates back to the 17th century. It is also known as “oktabario dantza”, as it was danced for some time on the 9th day of Corpus in the 19th century. The ezpata-dantza is danced after High Mass.

Bullet1 The group is made up by three dantzaris, who each carry two small swords, a leader or guide and between 9 and 11 ezpatadanzaris who all carry long swords. Apart from the traditional movements of the Gipuzkoana dance, the figure known as “grill” or rose is also performed and the leader of the group is raised up into the air over it.

        Kapela-dantza (hat dance)

Bullet1 The soka-dantza known as the kapela-dantza is danced in Legazpia on May 4th during the Santa Cruz festivities. The Sustraia dance group is entrusted with performing this traditional dance and one of its outstanding features is that the dantzaris wear large hats similar to the ones that blacksmiths used to wear.

Calendario de fiestas y danzas tradicionales en el PaĆ­s Vasco
FERNANDEZ DE LARRINOA, Kepa Eusko Jaurlaritza, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2003

Fiestas y danzas en Legazpia
MURUA, Angel Dantzariak, 32, EDB, Bilbo, 1986, 18-47. orr.

Ezpata Dantza de Legazpia
MURUA, Angel Dantzariak, 39, EDB, Bilbo, 1987, 41-48. orr.

Dantzak. Notas sobre las danzas tracionales de los Vascos
URBELTZ NAVARRO, Juan Antonio Caja Laboral Popular, Bilbo, 1978